Freelance spécialisée dans la création de sites vitrines


My Clients

Entrepreneur producing custom-handmade interior design glass as well as furniture and design objects in Haut de France, Ile de France and Paris. This first website is dedicated exclusively to « Verrières » (glass type products). This website generated an 80% increase in sales within the first year.

ACO Ferronnerie Oise

Second website of the client SAS ACO exhibiting its ranges of stairs, guardrails, handrails, suspended terraces and other ironwork objects. This site is dedicated to major metalwork work. This website currently generates 66% of this client’s total sales.

Colorist entrepreneurs owning their hairdressing salon in Clermont de l’Oise. This client used my services to develop their presence on different internet channels and increase appointment booking. My actions resulted in fifteen new satisfied customers that were added to the client portfolio within the first month since the start of my services.

Costume stylist for photography, films and commercials based in Barcelona, ​​Hamburg and Berlin. This talented freelancer working for over 15 years with major brands across a wide range of industries required my services to develop her brand image in Spain.

Hair salon having recently moved to from a town to another. These clients used my services to develop their presence at this new address and create a digital identity to create prospect awareness. Around fifteen new clients were added to the client portfolio in the first month since the start of my services.